Reasons why tellmeGen protects your Raw Data
The company 23andMe declared bankruptcy in March, and users can migrate their Raw Data to other companies like tellmeGen.

The tellmeGen genetic blog is another meeting point between society and us. We would like to share with you our knowledge and our experience in the genetic and medical fields. You will find here articles on different topics which are related to the DNA test we provide. We hope that you will find it interesting and that you will share it with your beloved ones.
The company 23andMe declared bankruptcy in March, and users can migrate their Raw Data to other companies like tellmeGen.
Koko Genetics adds genetic testing for cats, feline DNA tests, to its catalog of available products for users.
The average life expectancy has low heritability, but it is different when we talk about the extreme longevity of individuals.
Schizophrenia is a complex psychiatric disorder with a 50% heritability, conditioned by epigenetics and the environment.
Being left-handed is a complex characteristic, influenced by environmental and genetic factors. It exists in almost all organisms.
An affordable, simple and easy-to-use DNA test is becoming increasingly popular. All the information on tellmeGen.
Cholesterol is an essential lipid in eukaryotic cells, but at high levels in the blood, it hardens the arteries.
Have you had a genetic test and don’t know how to interpret it? Genetic counseling from medical professionals is very useful.
Leukemia is a blood cancer that causes abnormal production of white blood cells, and there is a hereditary risk.
The new RapiDri swabs offer a number of additional benefits, including reduced resource and transportation costs.
Usher syndrome is an autosomal recessive disorder. It is the main congenital disease causing deafblindness in the world.
Myeloproliferative neoplasms are chronic pathologies with uncontrolled growth of blood cells due to their precursor cells.
Cystic fibrosis is a genetic disease that affects 1 in 5,000 newborns. Genetic testing before having offspring is very important.
A person’s genetic data are personal and private, owned by that person, and their anonymity and security must be guaranteed.
Red hair is related to the individual’s genetics. Do you want to know more about red hair and your genes?
In this article we talk about Crohn’s disease and the role of genetics in the possible development of the pathology.
The human body has pathways to detoxify specific harmful compounds, with some steps performing methylation.
Genetic tests play a fundamental role in improving sports performance. In this article we show you practical examples.
Genetics influences the development of melanoma. It is important to do a genetic test as prevention to avoid its development.
The addictive capacity of nicotine exceeds five times that of cocaine.
Asthma is a chronic pathology that causes inflammation and stiffness in the airways, due to environmental and genetic factors.
The tellmeGen´s DNA test allows you to know your susceptibility to suffering from AD in order to prevent it.
Many mental disorders have a genetic component, indicating an inherited risk factor in the family, and facilitating detection.
Mainly epilepsy is caused by genetic disorders that cause seizures. It is important to know if epilepsy is hereditary
tellmeGen is a company whose goal is to provide relevant genetic information to anyone regardless of everything else.
The kidneys can suffer from various genetic diseases, mostly hereditary, which can be lethal in the long term.
We have developed a study to find genetic markers that help select the appropriate drugs for each person.
From tellmeGen we want to pay a sincere tribute to those women who have contributed to the field of genetics.
In the results we present to our users we have added tutorials to facilitate their understanding.
The information in the tellmeGen genetic kit is ideal for children because it is kept up to date throughout life.
Thanks to DNA tests, we have additional tools to achieve and maintain our proper weight and to prevent or eliminate obesity.
At tellmeGen we work to offer the most complete ancestry test. Do you know how you are related to your ancestors?
Genetics influences the development of arthritis. Knowing your predisposition with a genetic test can help.
Cancer is a multifactorial disease that occurs due to the combined effect of genetic (hereditary) and environmental factors.
Inflammatory bowel diseases are chronic inflammations of the intestine due to the immune system itself acting abnormally.
It is very important to know the benefits of DNA testing. At tellmeGen we are specialists in health and ancestry tests.
Knowing why and how pharmaceuticals are related to genetics is essential in order to choose them.
The heritability of ALS is around 40-45%, which means that both genetic and environmental factors play a role.
Koko Genetics is a new company selling genetic kits for dogs, with reports on breeds, health and physical traits.
Blood is a specialized connective tissue that transports oxygen, nutrients and waste substances through the body.
Multiple sclerosis attacks the nervous system, causing demyelination and axonal damage.
Freckles are increases in melanin pigment in the epidermis, but they may hide more than they show as melanoma.
Celiac disease is a disease with a strong genetic component, due to an abnormal response of the immune system to gluten.
Ovarian cancer is one of the most lethal cancers in women and is difficult to diagnose due to its mild and non-specific symptoms.
Monogenic diseases are pathologies caused by the mutation of a single gene, although the pathology has different intensity.
Parkinson’s disease is a neurodegenerative disease that manifests itself in a loss of the ability to make coordinated movements.
Colorectal cancer is cancer that originates in the region of the rectum or colon, usually from epithelial cells.
Epilepsy is an excessive and abnormal electrical activity in the brain that usually manifests itself in seizures.
Endometriosis is the growth of endometrial tissue outside the uterus, which causes problems such as menstrual cramps.
Breast cancer is the most common and deadliest cancer in women. The key to its treatment is early diagnosis.
Rare diseases are those with a low prevalence in the population, but between them they affect millions of people.
Congenital heart diseases are structural alterations of the heart that are present from birth.
Genetics is one of the risk factors for many mental illnesses and even conditions the effectiveness of treatments.
Depression is a disorder that is treated with both psychological therapy and antidepressants such as mirtazapine.
Relationship between genetics and cosmetics, the genetic test can inform you about your traits associated with beauty.
You may suffer from food or alergy intolerance to various foods such as fructose or lactose. How does our genetic test help?
The tellmeGen DNA test allows to determine the genetic predisposition of an individual to develop neuroblastoma.
Starting the year means setting new goals to reach our best version, either with new healthy habits or others.
If your genetic test indicates that you are predisposed to disease, it is recommended that you get a flu shot every year.
Rapid identification of stroke symptoms is crucial to ensure patient survival. Read this article and learn how it works.
In this article we are going to answer the 4 most frequently asked questions about tellmeGen’s DNA test.
According to the WHO, diabetes affects more than 460 million people and is one of the main health problems.
Knowing to which geographic regions we can relate our genetics is generating a lot of interest.
Prevention is necessary, but when it comes to breast cancer it is essential. Learn how to do it with a DNA test.
Genetics may be responsible for an imbalance in the hemostatic system, which may trigger alterations in blood coagulation.
Raw Data files contain information from your DNA that can be interpreted to describe your genetic predisposition.
Computational techniques are making it possible to understand the behavior of the most common diseases.
Alzheimer’s is the most common form of dementia and its genetics is a matter of concern for family members.
The DNA test contains very useful information to be able to apply changes in your life and establish new healthy habits.
Recourse to genetic tests to find out if you have pathogenic variants associated with various hereditary diseases.
The DNA Connect service will allow you to meet and interact with genetic relatives from all over the world.
Nutrigenetics is the study of the interaction between health, food and genetics, establishing a diet according to your DNA.
Baldness is the abnormal loss of hair, especially affecting the scalp. In this article we will unveil truths and myths about it.
At tellmeGen you can experience a journey in which you will learn more about you. Do you want to buy a ticket?
The father figure is becoming more and more present in the process of children’s development. Let’s see what science says.
The role of genetics in personal traits such as eye color or male-pattern baldness, is becoming well known.
Knowing the haplogroup you belong to is very interesting from a historical and anthropological point of view.
Thanks to genetic tests, we know our predisposition to develop a disease and can adapt our habits to reduce it.
Genetics plays an important role in the development of pharmaceuticals and in the diagnosis and prevention of diseases.
The maternal figure has played an important role in society and many questions have arisen around motherhood.
Pharmacogenetics is gaining special importance recently, as it is considered one of the pillars of personalized medicine.
Many of today’s population has between 1% and 4% of their Neanderthal DNA, which can vary depending on the continent where you were born.
If all males were to take a DNA test to trace their lineage, they would converge on a single ancestor, the “chromosomal Adam”.
Every April 25th DNA Day is celebrated to commemorate its discovery. Nevertheless, what really happened in this research?
Did you know that your genetics can determine how effectively you respond to exercise?
At tellmeGen we offer the most complete genetic test in the world with a simple saliva sample.
If in a couple there are doubts about whether one of them is a carrier of recessive diseases, a genetic test is important.
Studies link genetics to the development of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease or COPD.
It is the study of a person’s genes in order to know his or her genetic predisposition to develop diseases.
Fibromyalgia is a chronic rheumatic disease characterized by widespread musculoskeletal pain.
When purchasing a genetic test it is important to know which technique is used to study the genetic information.
Vaccines save millions of lives and are considered one of the most successful health interventions.
Pharmacogenetics is the first step towards personalized medicine.
With tellmeGen’s DNA tests you can find out if you have genetic variations related to an early onset of menopause.
Gene therapy and other precision medicine tools help prevent disease and create effective treatments
Preventive medicine allows, through DNA tests, to study the risk of suffering from diseases in order to prevent them.
Knowing the blood group is important because we may be more or less predisposed to develop certain diseases.
Did you know that you can find out which path your ancestors took through your maternal lineage from more than 150,000 years ago?
Giving DNA tests as a gift is trendy, being one of the most original gift options to surprise family, partners or friends.
A person who has affected family members is more likely to develop Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma.
Have you heard about genetic carrier screening? Its provide information about your genetics together.
Raw Data DNA files provide extremely valuable information to professionals such as doctors specialized in preventive medicine
Once the information is obtained from a raw data file, we can extract and interpret many very interesting data.
Yakut ancestry? What does it mean? You may be wondering who the Yakuts are and where they came from.