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We expand our DNA test with information about your maternal lineage


Did you know that you can now find out through your maternal lineage the path your ancestors followed from more than 150,000 years ago to the modern period? You can now see it on the migration map of your mitochondrial (maternal) haplogroup in the Ancestry DNA test Results that completes the tellmeGen genetic study.

A mitochondrial haplogroup is a set of variations found in human mitochondrial DNA. Maternal haplogroups trace and describe the path taken by our ancestors dating back to the origins of the human species in Africa.

Origins of our maternal lineage

Our common grandmother is about 200,000 years old. That is the conclusion reached in the study “Mitochondrial DNA and human evolution” carried out by scientists Allan Charles Wilson, Mark Stoneking and Rebecca L. Cann, and published in Nature journal on January 1, 1987.

In other words, if every person alive in the world today were to take a DNA test to trace their maternal lineage through hundreds of generations, all the lines would eventually converge in that one woman known as Mitochondrial Eve. Although she was only one woman who lived along with many others at the time, just a few branches of her unique haplogroup have survived from 200 centuries ago to the present day.

From Mitochondrial Eve, when our ancestors ventured out of East Africa, they branched into several groups that travelled back and forth across the world for tens of thousands of years. Some of their migrations are already traced through maternal haplogroups, i.e., groups of women descended from a common ancestor. The maternal haplogroup of each individual can reveal the path followed by women in her maternal line.

This path is the one that tellmeGen reveals to anyone who takes our genetic test. Dr. Ana Romero, Director of the Genetics Department at tellmeGen, explains that “with the study of genetic variations in specific points of the mitochondrial genome it is possible to reassemble our haplogroup, which is the combination of genetic marker groups that are inherited together and have varied over time, generating new subgroups or haplotypes characteristic of certain geographical areas. Mitochondrial DNA analysis allows us to have a broader view of our origins and describes the path taken by our maternal ancestors.

maternal line

I want to know my maternal line, what should I do?

This service is already available on tellmeGen DNA tests, so, all you have to do is follow one of the procedures below:

  • If you have already purchased a tellmeGen test, in one of the next uploads and result updates that you will receive in your email, we will notify you that this new information is already available and you will be able to consult it completely free of charge.
  • If you have not yet purchased your tellmeGen genetic test, now is the time to join our family! Purchase your DNA test now and get information about your maternal haplogroups. You can also learn about your paternal haplogroup as well as more than 400 traits about yourself, which we offer along with free updates on results.

Once you have your ancestry and the two haplogroups, both paternal and maternal, you can fully discover your genetic journey!


Carlos Manuel Cuesta

Graduate in Biology. PhD in Biotechnology

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