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Why do we need to know your sex at birth?

tellmeGen uses the sex at birth information self-reported by the client in a few important steps. The first is that it is part of our quality control. If someone’s self-reported sex does not match what is determined by their DNA analysis (based on the presence of X and Y as sex chromosomes), we make sure that everything has gone correctly.

Sex information is also used to provide more personalized results. There are conditions that do not affect genetic males (XY) and genetic females (XX) in the same way, so the reports are personalized including specific information for each gender.

We understand that sex is not a binary issue, and that the terms “male” and “female” do not include all possibilities, but our studies are based on scientific studies with individuals carrying the XX and XY sex chromosomes, listed as “female” and “male”, respectively. As research progresses, we hope to be able to provide more tailored information to our intersex and transgender clients.